Recipes, Blog & Other Good Stuff

BETTER I’ve been taking some time to consider what my purpose (again! Ha it seems to be a natural/regular part of my process).  Why am I here? What do I have to offer?  How do I show up in the world?  How can I co-create a...

I guess you’ve heard that you ‘should’ practice yoga at the beginning of the day, when the sun is rising. That might work for you but let’s rewind a little. Yoga has variety, it is a vast catch basin of connectivity.  It is wide and low...

Last week I wrote a little about what yoga is (from my limited perspective) and this week I am here to have a convo about why you might practice yoga (again I offer this very humbly)? Your why is the most important here.  Why you feel...

The word yoga is said to translate to yoke, to join or to unite.  It is a ‘doing’ word and we often see the word union as a definition of yoga but what does that actually mean?   Yoga can take different forms.  Many of us...

I came to Yoga many years ago to heal a physical injury. I ‘seemed’ to have my *&%* together but on the inside I was agitated, stressed, worried and consumed by nervous energy. I clearly remember my first experience of yoga. I was 22, at Uni...

It’s been forever since I did an intro here so to begin 2024 I thought I’d say hi and let you know a little bit about me. I am Aussie born, lived all over this amazing continent during my growing years - everywhere from Melbourne...

'The Only Constant in Life Is Change.'Heraclitus  Hello there Imagine living a life with no change.  Can you fathom what that would be like? Bill Murray in 'Ground Hog Day'? This life we are living has been filled with so much change.  Some change feels great, some feels...

To write or not to write, that is a question of intention and laziness and busyness and will.  Anne Lamott suggests ‘short assignments’ and ‘shitty first drafts’.  I’ve got plenty of them!  But does anyone ever read anymore?  Why would they want to read what...

‘It is only when there is no goal and no rush that the human senses are fully open to receive the world.’ Alan Watt I have been in the whirl of goal setting for what seems like forever - goals for my health, my weight, my...