Change & Contentment

Change & Contentment

‘The Only Constant in Life Is Change.’Heraclitus 

Hello there

Imagine living a life with no change.  Can you fathom what that would be like? Bill Murray in ‘Ground Hog Day’?

This life we are living has been filled with so much change.  Some change feels great, some feels like it is pushing us to our maximum edge.   Some changes we choose consciously, other changes are chosen for us, maybe by fate, by spirit, by life, by others.

Viktor Frankl said ‘Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.’

Change is inevitable, how we respond to that change is our choice.  Sometimes we get moved along by life kicking and screaming and blaming – ha! I have felt this response many times in my own life but as Michael Leunig says we can …

Let it go Let it all unravel
Let it free And it shall be
A path on which to travel

Letting go of a tight grip on living can be a challenge and we get to choose in every moment how we are responding.  Watching the day unfold can offer us a poetic spaciousness in which to live freely.  The monkey mind will attempt to pull us back into learned ways and each time we can offer ourselves the remembering – that we have capacity, that we are free to be, that change is constant and that life is a gift.  Blessed be.

Block 4 does not begin next week.  Links are here for the new dates – a little shorter than usual….

And we will end with some wise words from Lao Tzu on Santosha – the Hindi word for Contentment – a constant and profound reminder of what is important.

‘Be content with what you have, rejoice in

the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the

whole world belongs to you.’

From our hearts to yours
Jule & Amanda